You have 30 days from the date you receive your item to initiate a return. Please note that you are responsible for any return shipping costs.

To qualify for a return, the item must be unused, unworn, with tags attached, and in its original packaging, in the same condition as when you received it. Be sure to include the original order number with your return.

Enzo Jeans is not liable for returns until they arrive at our warehouse. We cannot issue refunds for lost returns, so we strongly recommend obtaining proof of delivery when shipping your return.

Processing times may vary depending on the shipping carrier. While we aim to handle your return or exchange as quickly as possible, please allow some time for the process to be completed.

Our returns address is:
ENZO  Jeans

Raw Indigo Ltd.

Opus 2 Unit A
Greenbank Way


Unfortunately we are not currently offering exchanges, apologies for any inconvenience caused. 

Please note that we advise that ALL returned goods should be sent by recorded delivery and the relevant insurance cover undertaken to cover yourselves against non-delivery by your chosen courier.
Please do not mark the boxed item packaging.

Legal Disclaimer

ENZO Jeans  is committed to ensuring that its products are sent on time, and is responsible for sending any purchased items on the schedule. However, once the product has been sent, it is then the responsibility of the courier to complete the delivery of the purchase, and of the customer to report any problems. ENZO Jeans can also not be held accountable for delivery failures due to circumstances beyond our control.